IMMIGRATION REPORT is an independent media channel that disseminates information about immigration in the United States. The I.R. (Immigration Report) publishes weekly and real-time bulletins, bringing the latest news about U.S. immigration policies and their impacts on the community of foreigners who want to migrate or are already residing in the U.S.

Exclusive Report


  • Biden will make an immigration announcement

  • Ok, I'm checking sources

  • New requirements are coming soon!

  • It's confirmed, I'm starting the report

CALIFORNIA is the US state with the highest number of foreign citizens holding non-immigrant visas, which attend study, exchange programs, and temporary work in the US

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) estimates more than 3 million foreigners currently in the US with temporary visas. Approximately 18% are in California.

Donec a vulputate ligula, quis suscipit justo. Vivamus massa odio, dignissim et diam at, laoreet pellentesque neque. Etiam fermentum at ligula quis consequat sed molis.

But favoritism for San Francisco and California may be numbered, as some of the most successful big-techs have recently moved to Austin, Texas, including Google, Tesla, Amazon, Facebook, and others.

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  • Weekly newsletters
  • Any "urgent news" bulletin
  • Real-time bulletins
  • U.S. visa rules
  • Consular interviews
  • Customs and border policies
  • Immigration statistics
  • U.S. socioeconomic news
  • U.S. cultural and historical facts
  • Exclusive information
  • News about U.S. immigration policies
  • Contents in English
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